As a new cohort prepares for the 2015 Honduran Health Alliance trip, we would like to take a brief moment to recognize the great work of the 2014 HHA team.
Over the course of 6 clinic days, 9 rural communities were reached. The HHA team saw 496 women in clinic. Additionally, 461 women were reached through charlas (public health presentations). A breakdown of services and resources provided by the HHA staff include:
299 pap smears
12 IUD’s placed
3,950 condoms provided
189 year supplies of OCP’s given
21 women sent for HHA-funded follow-up
Although HHA has made great strides in providing women’s healthcare to rural and underserved regions of Honduras over the years, there is still room for significant progress to be made to expand the reach of adequate women’s health and family planning services. We hope that the 2015 trip will take one more step toward achieving this vision.