Friday, January 17, 2014


Thank you to all have supported us thus far!  We encourage all alumni and friends of HHA to please donate to our upcoming adventure this summer!  Below is the information on how to donate, both by mail and online.  Please also email us at with your current address if you would like to receive our Christmas holiday newsletter each year, or if you would like to donate any medical supplies to the trip this year.

How You Can Help
Make an online donation at  in 3 easy steps:
1) Click Search Funds
2) Type in Honduran Health Alliance and select Search
3) Click Give and enter donation amount


By mailing a check made out to "Honduran Health Alliance" to:

Attn: Honduran Health Alliance
c/o Paula Shackelford
The Medical Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.
880 MLK Jr. Boulevard, CB#7565
Chapel Hill NC, 27514-2600